Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Survey Conclusion And Results


1. 57% Monthly
43% Weekly
2. 40% option 1
60% option 2
3. 60% option one
40% option two
4. 46% option one
53% option two
5. 84% yes
15% no

6. 76% option one
23% option two
7. 69% yes
31% no

8. 7% male
11% female
82% both

9. 46% candid
53% posed

10. 76% gossipy
24% informative

11. 92% simple
8% busy

12. 73% no
26% yes

13. 92% all
8% local newsagents

14. 88% yes
12% no
From my survey I have learnt that my target audience would prefer a monthly release of my magazine, suggesting that they want a longer, more up to date detailed review and the monthly news and gossip. We know they want more of a gossip based magazine rather than informative as 20 people wanted gossipy and only 6 wanted an informative styled magazine, with a friendly, lighthearted by serious mode of address rather than an informative big brotherly and serious one. Give the magazine a friendly, happier overall approach. I now know that people would prefer the magazine front cover to be simple with only 1 or 2 pictures, and not much writing rather than busy with lots of pictures and writing. The front cover being simple will draw the reader’s attention to the masthead, main picture, and the main text on the page. The main feature picture would be more appealing to the reader if it was a candid image, like with a natural background, not looking like a photo shoot image. I found out that the fonts of the magazine should vary between four different one, which are all kind of similar. And the colour scheme should vary between purples, blues, greens and blacks. These two features would keep the magazine simple and tidy looking as there wouldn’t too much difference between each page. The survey told me about features that I should or should not include in the magazine, there should be a classified section where readers can buy things related to country music. Part of the magazine should be dedicated to upcoming tour dates and gigs I know this should be a big part of the magazine as nearly all of the people asked said yes they would like a page about it. A page should also be dedicated to the country music charts and CD reviews. People thought there should not be a freebee with the magazine; this could be because they feel that the freebees might not be that good so would be a waste of time and money. The survey told me some basics are the selling of my magazine, it should be available in many places, like the internet, big name stores, and local newsagents, this would make it easy for the readers to purchase the magazine. The selling price should be between £3-£5, this was the highest picked category this could be because people thought if they were willing to pay a little bit extra they would get a better class magazine. And finally the survey told me that the magazine should be aimed at males and females, this would give the magazine a wider target audience. To make sure the magazine appeals to both sexes’s I would have to use certain colours, fonts, and stories which would appeal to them both.

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