An issue of Cross Country is released every month; I have the November 2009 issue. It has 100 pages and it is 21cm high and 15cm wide. I brought it off the internet as it’s not available in many shops. It contains a lot about tours, tour dates, gigs, awards. There are also some articles on artists. The target audience for the magazine would be people who are interested in country music, people wanting to find out tour dates etc, musicians and people who are interested in a certain section of the magazine.

The colours used on the front page are mainly blue and white with a little red, this could be to represent that it’s a British music magazine as they are the colours on the flag. A very dark background is used, which makes the writing stand out, but it does make the magazine seem less friendly. White and black are the main colours used; the text in black is in bolder writing than the white text. There are two different styles of fonts used on the whole front cover. The masthead, the magazine name ‘Cross Country’, part of it is behind the image which draws the reader’s attention to the image before the magazine name. The name is cleverly written as instead of an O they have used an X, this is a play on words with the word ‘cross’. The page is kept quite simple, with only one candid image, which is a mid-shot. There are a few various bits of texts on the page, making the reader look at the main feature article picture and head line to. The headline is at the bottom the page, but made to look important as it’s in bold and is highlighted between to lines making it look like a banner. The mode of address seems quite friendly, but also serious and informative. The puff line ‘British Country Music At Its Best’ this puff line is relevant to the magazine, but its not easily seen on the page and your attention isn’t straight away brought to the line, and its in quite small writing along the left hand side of the page.
The contents page is five pages into the magazine after lots of advertisements. The bottom half of the page is taken up by two articles advertising gigs. The top half of the page is a blue text box, which has fading colours from blue to white all smudged into one. There is then two columns simply listing each page number, and what’s on that page. The font is small and all the same simply writing, except for a few words ‘the ultimate who is on where in the UK’ which is in the same font but lighter not as bold writing. The title ‘Contents’ is in a completely new font from the front page. It is in blue large writing, the same colour as the text box, the font is simple and easy to read. The background of the page is just plain white. At the bottom of the page in the corner in small font, the same as some on the contents page, it says the magazine name next to the page number.
Throughout the magazine there aren’t actually as many double page spreads as you would except in a magazine. The one I have chosen to analyse is about the Country music awards which relates to the main article on the front cover. The page looks quite busy as there is quite a lot of pictures and writing. The first page is half text half pictures. The font is different to the front cover, and is the same as the contents page, but it’s not as bold. The names of the singers are in bold. In the space next to the text there is a picture of a country music award. Under this across the whole page there is a 2mm gold line separating the text from the pictures. There are three pictures at the bottom of the page; one of them is a two shot, mid shot candid image, the same picture as the front cover, just zoomed in more. Another picture is a candid mid shot image of a man singing, and the last picture is a candid two shot mid shot of someone getting there award. There is some italic writing above the pictures saying who’s in the pictures. At the bottom at the page there is another gold line. The second page has two gold lines, one at the top and one at the bottom. The whole page is pictures, there are five of them, all what look like people playing or receiving there awards, all candid. There is also italic writing on this page, telling the reader who is in the pictures.
The contents page is five pages into the magazine after lots of advertisements. The bottom half of the page is taken up by two articles advertising gigs. The top half of the page is a blue text box, which has fading colours from blue to white all smudged into one. There is then two columns simply listing each page number, and what’s on that page. The font is small and all the same simply writing, except for a few words ‘the ultimate who is on where in the UK’ which is in the same font but lighter not as bold writing. The title ‘Contents’ is in a completely new font from the front page. It is in blue large writing, the same colour as the text box, the font is simple and easy to read. The background of the page is just plain white. At the bottom of the page in the corner in small font, the same as some on the contents page, it says the magazine name next to the page number.
Throughout the magazine there aren’t actually as many double page spreads as you would except in a magazine. The one I have chosen to analyse is about the Country music awards which relates to the main article on the front cover. The page looks quite busy as there is quite a lot of pictures and writing. The first page is half text half pictures. The font is different to the front cover, and is the same as the contents page, but it’s not as bold. The names of the singers are in bold. In the space next to the text there is a picture of a country music award. Under this across the whole page there is a 2mm gold line separating the text from the pictures. There are three pictures at the bottom of the page; one of them is a two shot, mid shot candid image, the same picture as the front cover, just zoomed in more. Another picture is a candid mid shot image of a man singing, and the last picture is a candid two shot mid shot of someone getting there award. There is some italic writing above the pictures saying who’s in the pictures. At the bottom at the page there is another gold line. The second page has two gold lines, one at the top and one at the bottom. The whole page is pictures, there are five of them, all what look like people playing or receiving there awards, all candid. There is also italic writing on this page, telling the reader who is in the pictures.
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