Whilst I was on hoilday in Yorkshire, I took some pictures of the moors. And I thought they represented the English countryside well so i decided to use one of them as a background to my contents page.
I decided to use this photo because I thought it represented the genre of my magazine well. As it clearly conveys the English Countryside.
With the help of my teacher I realised that the snow picture on my contents page was a better image and of slighty better quality, so I rearranged the pictures.
At this stage my contents page could have been finished, but I felt like more could have been added to it. I decided to add boarders to the pictures.
The first one I added was a thin black border, but I didnt use it as it didnt stand out enough.
I then changed the colour of it to red and then to white, and kept increasing the thickness untill it stood out.
I then decided to use white boaders round the large picture and red boarder round the smaller pictures, and 4pt in thickness. I chose this because I thought they stood out well against the background of the contents page and they drew the readers attention to the pictures.
The finally step in my contents page was to add page numbers in the bottom right hand side of each pictures, telling the reader where to find the relating story. This is a typical magazine convention.